Labware Properties

The labware properties library adds a variety of functions which assist with obtaining the physical data of the labware, as well as things like its ID. The functions it adds are:

GetCarrierIDandSiteID_FromLabID(device io_instrument, variable i_labware_ID, variable o_carrier_ID, variable o_site_ID)

This function takes outputs the carrier ID and site ID which are associated with the given labware ID. It works on both the Nimbus and the STAR.

Params io_instrument:

The instrument being used. Will either be ML_STAR or Nimbus.

Params i_labware_ID:

The labware ID from which the other IDs are being pulled.

Params o_carrier_ID:

The carrier ID associated with the given labware ID.

Params o_site_ID:

The site ID associated with the given labware ID.


A boolean determining whether the labware ID exists (1) or not (0)

Return type:


Get_ContainerBaseOFfset(device io_instrument, sequence i_sequenceLabware, variable i_sequencePosition, variable o_ContainerBaseOffset)

This function outputs the distance from the rack base to the container base for the labware at the given sequence position.

Params io_instrument:

The instrument being used. Will either be ML_STAR or Nimbus.

Params i_sequenceLabware:

The sequence associated with the labware being checked.

Params i_sequencePosition:

The position ID or index of the sequence being checked. Can be either int or str. An input of 0 will auto-select the first position.

Params o_ContainerBaseOFfset:

The distance from the rack base to the container base at the specified position



Return type:


Get_ContainerBaseThickness(device io_instrument, sequence i_sequenceLabware, variable o_containerBaseThickness)

This function outputs the base thickness of the container at the first position of a given sequence.

Params io_instrument:

The instrument being used. Will be either ML_STAR or Nimbus.

Params i_sequenceLabware:

The sequence asspciated with the labware being checked.

Params o_containerBaseThickness:

The thickness of the base of the container being checked.



Return type:


Get_Height(device io_instrument, sequence i_sequenceLabware, variable o_labwareHeight)

This function outputs the height of the labware at the first position of a given sequence. This value is only the labware height, not the absolute Z position.

Params io_instrument:

The instrument being used. Will be either ML_STAR or Nimbus.

Params i_sequenceLabware:

The sequence associated with the labware being checked.

Params o_labwareHeight:

The height of the labware being checked.



Return type:


Get_NameAndFileName(device io_instrument, sequence i_sequenceLabware, variable o_viewName, variable o_fileName)

This function outputs the labware view name and the file name associated with it (with path)

Params io_instrument:

The instrument being used. Will be either ML_STAR or Nimbus.

Params i_sequenceLabware:

The sequence associated with the labware of interest.

Params o_viewName:

The view name of the labware being checked.

Params o_fileName:

The file name (with path) of the labware being checked.



Return type:


Get_NumberOfColumns(device io_instrument, sequence i_sequenceLabware, variable o_labwareColumns)

This function outputs the number of columns defined in the labware from the first position of a given sequence.

Params io_instrument:

The instrument being used. Will be either ML_STAR or Nimbus.

Params i_sequenceLabware:

The sequence associated with the labware of interest.

Params o_labwareColumns:

The number of columns defined in the labware being checked.



Return type:


Get_NumberOfRows(device io_instrument, sequence i_sequenceLabware, variable o_labwareColumns)

This function outputs the number of rows defined in the labware at the first position of a given sequence. The variable and function description both say columns; this is incorrect.

Params io_instrument:

The instrument being used. Will be either ML_STAR or Nimbus.

Params i_sequenceLabware:

The sequence associated with the labware being checked.

Params o_labwareColumns:

The number of rows defined in the labware being checked.



Return type:


Get_RackBaseToCoverBase(device io_instrument, sequence i_sequenceLabware, variable o_RackBaseToCoverBase_Height)

This function outputs the height from the base of the rack to the base of the cover/lid of the labware at the first position of a given sequence.

Params io_instrument:

The instrument being used. Will be either ML_STAR or Nimbus.

Params i_sequenceLabware:

The sequence associated with the labware being checked.

Params o_RackBaseToCoverBase_Height:

The distance from the rack base to the cover base.



Return type:


Get_StackHeight(device io_instrument, sequence i_sequenceLabware, variable o_labwareStackHeight)

This function outputs the stack height of the specified labware at the first position of a given sequence.

Params io_instrument:

The instrument being used. Will be either ML_STAR or Nimbus.

Params i_sequenceLabware:

The sequence associated with the labware being checked.

Params o_labwareStackHeight:

The stack height of the labware being checked, or the covered stack height if the labware is lidded.



Return type:


Get_XYZ_deckPosition(device io_instrument, sequence i_sequenceLabware, variable o_labware_deckPosition_X, variable o_labware_deckPosition_Y, variable o_labware_deckPosition_Z)

This function returns the X, Y and Z coordinates of the upper left well of the specified labware at the first position of a given sequence. The description of this function says it only does the X and Y coordinates, this is incorrect.

Params io_instrument:

The instrument being used. Will be either ML_STAR or Nimbus.

Params i_sequenceLabware:

The sequence associated with the labware being checked.

Params o_labware_deckPosition_X:

The X coordinate of the labware on the deck.

Params o_labware_deckPosition_Y:

The Y coordinate of the labware on the deck.

Params o_labware_deckPosition_Z:

The Z coordinate of the labware on the deck.



Return type:


Get_XY_dimensions(device io_instrument, sequence i_sequenceLabware, variable o_X_width, variable o_Y_depth)

This function outputs the X (width) and Y (depth) dimensions of the specified labware at the first position of a given sequence.

Params io_instrument:

The instrument being used. Will be either ML_STAR or Nimbus.

Params i_sequenceLabware:

The sequence associated with the labware being checked.

Params o_X_width:

The width of the labware being checked.

Params o_Y_depth:

The depth of the labware being checked.



Return type: