Aliquot with Easy Steps

The Aliquot with Easy Steps library adds one function aimed at making aliquoting with Easy- or Single steps easier. This library is outdated, the Aliquot_for_EasySteps_v2 library should be used instead. The function it adds is:

CalcAliquote(sequence DispenseSequence, variable VolumePerWell, variable VolumePreAliquote, variable VolumePostAliquote, variable MaxVolumeTip, variable VolumeToAspirate, variable NumberOfDispense, variable FullTrace, variable NumberOfChannels)

This function calculates the important variables for performing aliquoting with Easy- or Single steps.

Params DispenseSequence:

The sequence for the aliquots to be dispensed into

Params VolumePerWell:

The volume of the aliquots per well

Params VolumePreAliquote:

The volume of the pre-aliquot

Params VolumePostAliquote:

The volume of the post-aliquot

Params MaxVolumeTip:

The maximum volume of the selected CO-RE Tip

Params VolumeToAspirate:

The volume which has to be aspirated

Params NumberOfDispense:

The number of dispense steps per aspiration

Params FullTrace:

The detail level of the trace (1 is full, 0 is normal)

Params NumberOfChannels:

The number of channels installed on the system



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