

The HSL_SeqDailyTools library adds four functions aimed at making some parts of sequence handling slightly easier. The four functions it adds are:

CopyPlatePattern96ToTipRack(sequence plateSource, sequence tipRack)

This function copies the sequence pattern on a 96 well plate and applies it to a tip rack. It is used to ensure that the 96 head only picks up tips in the wells that the plate is going to be interacting with.

Params plateSource:

The sequence pattern on the plate to be copied

Params tipRack:

The sequence of the tip rack which will have the template applied to it



Return type:


CopyPlatePatternToPlate(sequence plateSource, sequence plateTarget)

This function copies the pattern of wells from one plate to another plate. It is useful when a plate is being moved around on deck, or when reagents are being pipetted from one plate into the same locations on another plate.

Params plateSource:

The sequence pattern from the plate to be copied

Params plateTarget:

The sequence of the second plate which is having the template applied to it



Return type:


GetNumberOfPositionsLeft(sequence seq, variable numberOfPositionsLeft)

This function calculates the number of positions left in a sequence

Params seq:

The sequence which is being checked

Params numberOfPositionsLeft:

The output value of how many positions are left in the sequence



Return type:


SeqEasyEdit(sequence seq, variable timeout, variable dialog_title, variable dialog_msg, device ML_STAR)

This function is a simplified version of SeqEdit, with only the parameters that are regularly used. It opens a dialog box from which the user can edit whichever sequence is specified in the input.

Params seq:

The sequence which is being edited

Params timeout:

How long the dialog window will stay open by itself before it closes and continues the method without editing the sequence

Params dialog_title:

The title of the dialog window which pops up

Params dialog_message:

The text within the dialog window which pops up

Params ML_STAR:

The device used. Should be ML_STAR from the dropdown



Return type: