Error Report Library

The error report library generates concise reports on both general errors and pipetting errors that occur during a run, extracting the information from the trace file. It adds the following functions:

CopyActiveTraceFile(variable o_strTraceCopyFilePath)

Finds the trace file that is currently active (i.e. associated with the current run) and makes a copy of it, which it saves in the location specified.

Params o_strTraceCopyFilePath:

The location that the copy of the trace file will be created in



Return type:


GenerateGeneralErrorsReport(variable i_strTraceFilePath, variable o_strPDF_FilePath)

Reads the active trace file, locates errors found within it and generates an error report on errors found in non-pipetting steps

Params i_strTraceFilePath:

The path to the current trace file

Params o_strPDF_FilePath:

The file path for the exported PDF of the error report



Return type:


GeneratePipettingErrorsReport(variable i_strTraceFilePath, variable i_strTemplateFilePath, variable i_intWriteRowStart, o_strPDF_FilePath)

Reads the active trace file, locates errors in the pipetting steps within it and generates an error report for the pipetting steps only

Params i_strTraceFilePath:

The path to the current trace file

Params i_strTemplateFilePath:

The path to the excel file used as a template for generating the report; should be installed when the library is unpacked

Params i_intWriteRowStart:

Which row of the excel file to begin the report on; usually two, can be more than two

Params o_strPDF_FilePath:

The file path for the exported PDF of the error report



Return type: